2019 Daniel Landi El Reventon

SIZE: 750ml


Wine Advocate 96

“I hadn’t tasted the 2019 El Reventón from cask when I tasted other wines from the portfolio, so I now tasted the bottled version of it. The nose was a bit shy at first, but the palate shows the strength of the wine with great intensity, tastiness and freshness within the Mediterranean style of the year. This is really very good for the vintage, certainly the finest Reventón from a warm year that I can remember. The vineyards from the slate soils seem to take warmer years better than the granite ones… It was bottled in late July 2021. Only 930 bottles produced. It was a low-yielding year for the vineyard.”


.Red Meat..Cheese..White Meat.



Regional Information About This Wine:

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