2019 Joan d’Anguera Planella

SIZE: 750ml


James Suckling 96

Was singing out of the decanter and into the glass- black and blue fruits that come in waves of currants and fresh blueberries with underlying elements of damp earth, ground anise seed, and cola. Elvoves up into more “baked goods” aromatics, blackberry and blueberry pie filling with all the good brown sugar, spices, and browned pastry notes supplementing the primary fruit notes. Bright and intense delivery thanks to the alcohol with a (currently) decent balance between the alcohol, tannin, and acidity- that latter two combine for a lovely tart blackberry and plum skin finish. The more masculine and angular Carignan “black fruit” based brother to the more feminine and sphphisticated “red fruit” Greanache based Altaroses. Outstanding job by Joan d’Anguera and team.


.Red Meat..Cheese..White Meat.



Regional Information About This Wine:

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