2019 Realm The Absurd

SIZE: 750ml


Wine Advocate 100
Jeb Dunnuck 100

Wine Advocate 100 – This ultimate vintage expression is always a mystery blend of grape varieties and vineyard sources, representing the cream of the crop, aspiring to the extent of proprietor Scott Becker’s and winemaker Benoit Touquette’s imagination, and beyond. Deepest purple-black colored, the 2019 The Absurd captivates the mind straight away, offering a perfume so infused it requires great focus to pick out scents of blackberry preserves, juicy black plums and crème de cassis, needing some swirling to unlock the undercurrent of Indian spices, cracked black pepper, iris and chocolate mint, plus a hint of cast-iron pan. The taut, muscular, full-bodied palate is jam-packed with black fruit preserves and fragrant accents, supported by a rock-solid foundation of ripe, grainy tannins and fantastic freshness, finishing with all the generosity and shimmer that is the signature of the great 2019 vintage in Napa Valley. A breathtaking triumph! Allow it to unwind and expand over the next 5-7 years, then drink it over the following 30 years+.

Jeb Dunnuck 100 – Another perfect wine in the lineup is the 2019 The Absurd, and while I wasn’t able to get the blend or vineyard sources (they like to keep that a secret), it’s a thrilling, magical wine that tops out on my scale. More dense and concentrated than the Dr. Crane, especially on the mid-palate, it has an incredible, full-bodied, powerful style that carries ample darker cassis and blue fruits as well as scorched earth, tobacco, graphite, and violets. With a monster of a mid-palate, incredible tannins, no hard edges, and a level of purity that’s hard to describe, this needs to be forgotten for at least 4-5 years, and it should have 40-50 years of overall longevity.


.Red Meat..Cheese.



Regional Information About This Wine:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu dicant praesent cum, id regione alienum quo, ei mollis admodum vix. Ut partiendo mediocritatem usu, id saepe facilis nec. No errem omnesque accommodare mea, vim et detracto senserit qualisque. Sit aperiri menandri definitionem at. Vel aliquam legimus ne.

Ex vix summo convenire, mei ad labores iracundia appellantur. In mel virtute scaevola, velit iriure postulant nam eu, docendi lucilius elaboraret quo ei. Ad mei putent doctus maluisset, ut epicuri patrioque sed. Mel te dicam adolescens.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu dicant praesent cum, id regione alienum quo, ei mollis admodum vix. Ut partiendo mediocritatem usu, id saepe facilis nec. No errem omnesque accommodare mea, vim et detracto senserit qualisque. Sit aperiri menandri definitionem at. Vel aliquam legimus ne.

Ex vix summo convenire, mei ad labores iracundia appellantur. In mel virtute scaevola, velit iriure postulant nam eu, docendi lucilius elaboraret quo ei. Ad mei putent doctus maluisset, ut epicuri patrioque sed. Mel te dicam adolescens.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu dicant praesent cum, id regione alienum quo, ei mollis admodum vix. Ut partiendo mediocritatem usu, id saepe facilis nec. No errem omnesque accommodare mea, vim et detracto senserit qualisque. Sit aperiri menandri definitionem at. Vel aliquam legimus ne.

Ex vix summo convenire, mei ad labores iracundia appellantur. In mel virtute scaevola, velit iriure postulant nam eu, docendi lucilius elaboraret quo ei. Ad mei putent doctus maluisset, ut epicuri patrioque sed. Mel te dicam adolescens.


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