2020 Rootdown Cellars Riesling Cole Ranch

SIZE: 750ml


A more delicate expression of Riesling, the aromatics on this wine are those of lemon curd, cumquat, Meyer lemon blossom. Ripping acidity and reminiscent of a dry, German Riesling lacking any sweetness.

From the original plantings in 1973 and harvested first, this is our “laser-beam” Riesling. Kabinett style if you will but very much on the dry side. Pre-press we foot tread the grapes to give a bit more texture while native fermentation happens in neutral barrels. Zero additions were made to this wine until the end where 10ppm of So2 was added.

Bottling Date: August 9, 2021 Cases produced: 100 Harvest date: October 4th 2019 TA 7.2: g/L pH: 3.11 L-malic: 1.06 g/L Glucose + Fructose: 2.9 g/L Alc: 12.9%


.Cheese..White Meat..Fish.



Regional Information About This Wine:

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