2020 Schäfer-Fröhlich Riesling Fruhlingsplatzchen GG

SIZE: 750ml


Wine Advocate 96+

The 2020 Frühlingsplätzchen GG is pure and fresh on the darker and herbal-toned slate nose that is wonderfully untamed and typical Schäfer-Fröhlich style. Clear, fresh and pure yet also with elegance and mineral-driven extract juice, this is a fascinating, juicy yet crystalline and salty Riesling with great terroir expression and, like the 2020 Kupfergrube, pretty close to the soon-legendary 2021. The wine has enormous energy, grip and tension and mouth-filling fruit intensity. 12.5% stated alcohol. Natural cork. Tasted in July 2022.


.Cheese..White Meat..Fish.



Regional Information About This Wine:

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