2023 Rodrigo Mendez Albariño Cies

SIZE: 750ml


Cíes Albariño is one of winemaker Rodrigo Mendez’s smallest production wines, and it reflects a historical approach to Albariño from the Salnés zone, where his family has produced wine for five generations in and around the village of Meaño. Cíes is fermented with its own indigenous yeast and then partially aged in old wooden vessels without controlling the temperature—the way all Albariño wines were made prior to the 1980s, when stainless steel technology became prevalent in the area. Wines in this region are rarely made like this anymore, and Rodri has brought back this traditional method to produce unique and ageworthy expression of Albariño.


.Cheese..White Meat..Fish.



Regional Information About This Wine:

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